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unique formula, superior herbs, perfect craftsmanship and significant efficacy


“配方独特、选料上乘、工艺精湛、疗效显著”是同仁堂的制药特色,也是历代同仁堂人对药品质量的郑重承诺和不懈追求。 tongrentang’s characteristics for processing medicine is “unique formula, superior herbs, perfect craftsmanship and significant efficacy”, which is also solemn commitment and relentless pursuit of tongrentang people for medicines quality in its history.

we wish there were no illnesses in the world, even though the drug shelves were covered with dust


但愿世间人无病,哪怕架上药生尘”是同治年间一位学者写给同仁堂十一世乐孟繁的一副对联,盛赞同仁堂济世养生的高尚医药道德与情怀。 “we wish there were no illnesses in the world, even though the drug shelves were covered with dust” is a pair of couplets written by a scholar in tongzhi era of qing dynasty. the couplets highly praise the noble medicine virtues and feelings of “doing good to society and keeping people healthy” practiced by tongrentang people.

although the processing is complex, it will not dare to save manpower. although the taste is expensive, it will not dare to reduce material resources



the strenuous efforts in making exquisite medicines can rarely be seen, but heaven knows our sincerity


“修合无人见,存心有天知”是中医药行业普遍遵循的传统规则,更是历代同仁堂人的自律准则。 the saying “the strenuous efforts in making exquisite medicines can rarely be seen, but heaven knows our sincerity” is not only a traditional rule comprehensively followed by traditional chinese medicine sector in china, but also a self-discipline rule passed on generations among tongrentang people.

cultivate both noble morality and benevolenceto do good to society and to keep people healthy


同仁堂品牌创始人乐显扬认为 “可以养生、可以济人者, 惟医药为最”,并把“同仁”二字命名为堂名,认为“公而雅”。

mr. yue xianyang, founder of tongrentang brand, believed that “among things which can preserve peoples’ health and to do good to society, medicine is the best” and named the pharmacy as “tongren (cultivate both noble morality and benevolence)”, meaning “equal and elegant”

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